The IRS says you have unpaid taxes. You think they’re wrong, but despite your efforts to explain to them why they’re incorrect, they refuse to budge. Now you just received a notice from the IRS saying they’re going to try and collect money from you. Is there any way to formally dispute this tax bill? Yes, and one way to do so is to file an appeal. Here are some tips to increase your chances of success.
Continue reading “Five Expert Tips for Navigating the Tax Dispute Appeals Process and Coming Out on Top”Author: Kienitz Tax Law
How to Dispute a Tax Bill from the IRS
If the IRS believes you owe them money for unpaid taxes, you might grudgingly acknowledge the IRS is correct. But in situations where you disagree, you have certain legal rights to contest or dispute the IRS.
Continue reading “How to Dispute a Tax Bill from the IRS”Top Five Tips for Filing Your 2023 Taxes
The 2023 tax season has begun, so it’s that time of the year when you get your tax documents ready for filing your return for 2022 income. Whether you prepare your taxes yourself or have a specific tax professional that you use each year, it doesn’t hurt to be aware of some tips when filing your taxes. These pointers can save you money, make the tax filing process easier or both.
Continue reading “Top Five Tips for Filing Your 2023 Taxes”End of Year Tax Planning Guide for 2022
The year is almost over, but the time to make financial decisions that could affect your taxes in 2022 and/or 2023 is about to begin. Below are a few tasks and considerations to look into before January 1 arrives.
Continue reading “End of Year Tax Planning Guide for 2022”2022 Tax Scams the IRS Is Warning You About
Every year, the IRS releases its “Dirty Dozen” list of tax scams for taxpayers to watch out for. In this blog post, we identify and explain a few of the more notable scams that have made this list.
Continue reading “2022 Tax Scams the IRS Is Warning You About”What Are Tax Liens and Levies and How Do You Get Them Removed?
If you get behind on your taxes, you will accrue a tax debt. Tax departments and agencies have special tools to make sure you pay unpaid taxes. Two of the most powerful include the tax lien and tax levy. Let’s take a look at what these are and how they work.
Continue reading “What Are Tax Liens and Levies and How Do You Get Them Removed?”2021 Tax Extension Filers: Why to File As Soon As Possible
For the typical taxpayer, they have until around April 15 to file their income tax returns for the prior tax year. The deadline for the 2021 tax year was April 18, 2022. Yet sometimes there are reasons why a tax filer can’t get their tax returns to the IRS by this deadline.
Continue reading “2021 Tax Extension Filers: Why to File As Soon As Possible”IRS Gets Billions for Audit Enforcement. Here’s What That Means for You
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is a much-detested part of the federal government. Yet its existence is necessary for the continued operation of the United States. Despite the IRS’ importance, it has recently suffered a steady reduction in workers and funding to carry out its tasks.
Continue reading “IRS Gets Billions for Audit Enforcement. Here’s What That Means for You”Tax Scams to Watch Out For This Season
If there’s anything more inevitable in life than death and taxes, it’s scams. Tax scams are nothing new, but scammers are always coming up with different strategies to take advantage of taxpayers. No matter what time of the year it is, taxpayers need to stay vigilant to avoid falling prey to tax scams. Below are some tax scams that you may not have heard of, but could affect you.
Continue reading “Tax Scams to Watch Out For This Season”Offer in Compromise: What to Expect
The IRS is a tenacious debt collector. Even if you file bankruptcy, not all of your tax debts may be dischargeable. Because of how challenging it can be to deal with tax debts, the idea of paying off a tax debt for less than what you owe sounds very appealing. Luckily, the IRS has something for taxpayers called an offer in compromise.
Continue reading “Offer in Compromise: What to Expect”