Category: Tax Breaks

Uncover ways to save and use deductions

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What’s a W-2 Tax Form?

If you’re like millions of workers, you’re employed as an employee. Assuming this applies to you, you can likely expect to receive an IRS Form W-2 from your employer within the next month or so. This is an important document to help you prepare and file your income tax return due in April. But why is the W-2 so important and is it always required to file your taxes? The goal of this blog post is to address these questions and provide an overview of this ubiquitous tax document.

What is a W-2 Tax Form?

Also known as a Wage and Tax Statement, the W-2 Form is a document that your employer sends you and the IRS that outlines how much compensation you received and how much of that compensation your employer withheld for income and payroll tax purposes.

Do All Workers Receive a W-2?

No, it’s usually only employees that get them. Freelancers and independent contractors will typically get Form 1099 from their client or employer instead. In these situations, the employer won’t normally withhold any of the compensation for taxes. So, it’s up to the independent contractor to pay estimated quarterly taxes to the IRS.

You also need to earn enough compensation before your employer creates a W-2 for you. If you receive $600 or more in cash or noncash payments during the tax year as an employee, only then is your employer legally required to send you a W-2 (and a copy to the IRS).

When Should I Receive My W-2?

Assuming your employer is required to create a W-2, they must send it to you and the IRS by January 31. These can be mailed, but they’re sometimes sent electronically, either by email or made available for downloading from a payroll-related website.

If you don’t get it by the middle of February, you should contact your employer to make sure they sent it and, if so, used the correct email or mailing address.

What if the W-2 is Wrong?

You should contact your employer and have them correct or clarify the information and, if necessary, send you a corrected W-2. If this results in you being unable to file your tax return by the April 15 deadline, you can contact the IRS and ask for an extension.

Alternatively, you can estimate your earnings and tax withholdings yourself, such as by reviewing your pay stubs. You may also need to complete IRS Form 4852, Substitute for Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, or Form 1099-R, Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc. (yes, the official name of this form really is that long).

How are W-2 Forms Different from W-4 Forms?

A W-2 summarizes your compensation and taxes. In contrast, IRS Form W-4, Employee’s Withholding Certificate, is something you fill out to give your employer information about your tax filing status. They then use this information to withhold the correct amount of taxes from your paycheck.

What’s IRS Form W-2G?

IRS Form W-2G, Certain Gambling Winnings, is a summary of your reportable gambling winnings that may be subject to income tax. Think of Form W-2G as a W-2 form, except it’s for income that comes from gambling, not your day job.

If your gambling winnings at a casino or other gambling establishment exceed a certain threshold (the exact amount depends on the type of bet you place and how much money you won), then you’ll probably receive Form W-2G the same day you received your gambling winnings. In some cases, you’ll get Form W-2G in late January or early February of the following year (roughly the same time you should be getting your W-2).


In most situations, your W-2 form will be one of the least burdensome of tax documents. When you receive it in February, review it to make sure it’s correct. Then you need to put it in a safe place with your other tax and financial documents until you’re ready to prepare your taxes yourself or hand them over to your tax preparation professional.

Kienitz Tax Law is here to help you with your tax issues. Schedule your FREE consultation today!

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Tax Deductions You May Not Know About

If you have any experience with filing income tax returns, you probably have a general idea of what tax deductions are. Off the top of your head, you may know some of the more common deductions, such as the standard deduction, the charitable contribution deduction, and the mortgage interest deduction. But there are many others you could be eligible for, but don’t know about or fully understand. Let’s take a look at some of them in this month’s blog post.

Student Loan Interest Deduction

If you’re paying interest on your student loans, you can use some (or all) of the money spent on interest to lower your taxable income. For federal tax purposes, the money you spend on interest for your student loan payments is deductible, but only up to $2,500.

One of the nice things about this deduction is that it’s not an itemized deduction. However, you’ll only receive the full $2,500 deduction if your modified adjusted gross income is less than $70,000 ($145,000 if filing jointly). However, as long as your income is less than $85,000 ($175,000 if filing jointly), you may still be able to take this deduction, just not the full $2,500.

Medical Expense Deduction

One of the reasons you may not know about this deduction is that you probably won’t qualify for it unless you end up with some hefty medical bills. Generally speaking, you can only take this deduction for a tax year if you have unreimbursed medical (including dental) expenses that exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income for that tax year. These expenses can be deductible for not just your medical expenses, but also those of your spouse or dependent.

Deduction for Gambling Losses

Losing money at the casino or on a sports game is never fun, but there’s some consolation in the fact that some of your losses may be tax deductible. But before you start placing your bets, you need to understand that the deduction only applies to the extent of your winnings. In other words, the amount of your gambling deduction cannot exceed your gambling winnings.

For example, if you placed five $100 bets during March Madness and lost on all five of those bets, you don’t get to take a $500 tax deduction for your gambling losses. However, if you won two of those bets and lost three of them, then you could take a $200 gambling loss deduction (and not a $300 deduction). Another thing to consider is that you can only take this deduction if you itemize your deductions.

Another important consideration about this deduction is the need to detailed and complete records. You’ll want to document each bet, including how much you spent (including any fees), your wins/losses, as well as the source of the money used for the bets.

Deduction for Retirement Contributions

If you’re diverting some of your paycheck into an eligible 401(k) or traditional IRA retirement account, then some (or all) of what you’re saving could be tax deductible. With a traditional IRA, you’re limited to making contributions that don’t exceed the lesser of your total income for that year or $7,000 (if you’re under 50) and $8,000 (if you’re 50 and older).

With a 401(k), your deduction is not a deduction in the traditional sense. Rather, those contributions to your 401(k) get taken out of your paycheck before you even see the money. So you’re not claiming the contributions as a deduction later on in March or April when you prepare and file your taxes for the prior tax year. This is not only easier on you when you file your taxes, but you get the tax benefit immediately as the 401(k) contribution lowers your income subject to income tax withholding by your employer.

Health Savings Account Contributions

If you make contributions into a qualified health savings account, or HSA, the contributions you make directly into your HSA may be tax deductible.

Deduction for Expenses Incurred as a Self-Employed Worker

Contractors and freelancers can deduct certain expenses they incur as a result of their work. Some of these include money spent on home office expenses, health insurance premiums, continuing education costs, vehicle mileage, self-employment taxes, and office supplies.

Education Expense Deduction

Eligible teachers and educators can deduct up to $300 spent on classroom and teaching supplies.

Bottom Line

Tax deductions offer a great way to lower your tax bill, but they often have special conditions or limitations. You may also need to itemize your taxes to take advantage of them. To learn more about how these deductions work and whether it may be worth taking them, speak with your tax professional. If you take one or more deductions when you’re not supposed to, you could find yourself in trouble with the IRS.

Kienitz Tax Law is here to help you with your tax issues. Schedule your FREE consultation today!

Do Not Ignore Your Tax Problems!

Tax Law is Our Specialty. Contact us to Get Your Life Back to Normal.

tax lien and tax levy

What’s the Difference Between a Tax Lien and a Tax Levy?

If a taxpayer has unpaid taxes and doesn’t make arrangements with the IRS to pay that tax balance off over time, then the IRS will initiate the tax collection process. It will begin with letters and notices, asking the taxpayer to pay their tax bill. But, pretty soon, the IRS will send a written warning to the taxpayer that a lien or levy is imminent.

If the IRS files a tax lien against you or levies your property, what does that mean exactly, and should you care which method the IRS uses?

What is an IRS Tax Lien?

When the IRS files a Notice of Federal Tax Lien against you, the IRS is telling the general public that you owe back taxes. This makes it practically impossible to sell or transfer your property unless you first remove the tax lien. This is because no one wants to buy property from you, knowing the IRS may have the legal right to step in and take it from them to pay off your tax debt.

When it comes to your credit history, the tax lien no longer has the negative effect it used to have. Now, IRS tax liens do not show up on your credit report or have an impact on your credit score. That being said, a tax lien can still hurt your credit in that it makes it more difficult (and/or more expensive) to get a loan.

If you’re trying to buy a new car or house by borrowing money, it will be extremely difficult to do so with a tax lien. Not only does a tax lien signal you’re struggling financially, but it also means the creditor likely can’t get a security interest in your property to secure the loan.

For instance, if you wanted a car loan, your lender would probably expect your car to serve as collateral for the loan in case you default. But if there’s a tax lien in place, the car will automatically have a tax lien on it after you buy it (IRS tax liens apply to current and future properties).

This means the car loan lender may not be able to repossess the car from you in case you default on the car loan. The practical consequence is that you either get denied the car loan, or you get it but with a larger down payment and/or a higher interest rate.

What is an IRS Tax Levy?

IRS tax levies can pose a bigger problem than a tax lien. Unlike a tax lien, which is basically a legal warning to others that your property could be used to pay a tax debt, a tax levy is the actual taking of property to satisfy a tax debt. For example, the IRS might levy your bank account and withdraw money from it without your consent, or they might levy your paycheck in the form of a wage garnishment.

Can the IRS File a Lien or Place a Levy on My Car or Home?

Yes, for liens, and almost never for levies. When the IRS files a lien against you, it attaches to not just a specific piece of property, but almost anything you own, including your home and your primary vehicle.

And although the IRS can, theoretically, levy your home or car, it’s very rare for the IRS to do so. There are several reasons for this. First, it’s not worth the trouble, as using a bank levy or paycheck levy (wage garnishment) is almost always a more effective and efficient way to collect back taxes.

Second, the IRS understands that taking away your car or home could hurt your ability to earn income, and they know you need income if you are to pay off a tax debt.

Third, taking your car or home is a bad look for the IRS. The IRS already has a less-than-positive reputation with most people (and members of Congress). A viral story about how they made you go homeless or got you fired because you could no longer get to work is just asking for unnecessary scrutiny and political pressure.

Bottom Line

The IRS trying to collect taxes from you is bad news, regardless of whether the IRS decides to use a lien or levy. However, when it comes to your financial health and daily living, a levy is more likely to cause problems for you in the short term.

Kienitz Tax Law is here to help you with your tax issues. Schedule your FREE consultation today!

Do Not Ignore Your Tax Problems!

Tax Law is Our Specialty. Contact us to Get Your Life Back to Normal.

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Is a Tax Credit Better Than a Tax Deduction?

Whether you’re tax planning or preparing your income tax return, you’ve probably heard about tax credits and deductions. You also probably know that they’re both good to have when it comes to owing less money to the IRS. Let’s take a closer look at both of these tax benefits, including which one is better, how they work, and how they’re different from each other.

Continue reading “Is a Tax Credit Better Than a Tax Deduction?”
kienitz how to remove tax liens and levies

How to Remove Tax Liens and Levies?

Tax debts are some of the hardest debts to deal with. There are several reasons for this, such as special treatment during bankruptcy proceedings and the fact that it’s the government trying to collect the debt.

However, another major challenge is that government taxing authorities, such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the State of California Franchise Tax Board (FTB), can use liens and levies to help collect tax debts.

Continue reading “How to Remove Tax Liens and Levies?”
kienitz what happens when you fail to file your business tax return

What Happens When You Fail to File Your Business Tax Returns?

Running a business isn’t easy. One of the biggest challenges businesses face is managing their expenses, including tax liabilities. Part of the process of handling a business’s tax obligations is the preparation and filing of a business tax return. But what happens if a business doesn’t file a tax return on time or makes a mistake on the return? And should it even matter if the business doesn’t owe any taxes?

Continue reading “What Happens When You Fail to File Your Business Tax Returns?”