Category: Lawyers

Lawyers and information about attorneys

IRS Gets Billions for Audit Enforcement

IRS Gets Billions for Audit Enforcement. Here’s What That Means for You

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is a much-detested part of the federal government. Yet its existence is necessary for the continued operation of the United States. Despite the IRS’ importance, it has recently suffered a steady reduction in workers and funding to carry out its tasks.

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kienitz tax scams to watch out for

Tax Scams to Watch Out For This Season

If there’s anything more inevitable in life than death and taxes, it’s scams. Tax scams are nothing new, but scammers are always coming up with different strategies to take advantage of taxpayers. No matter what time of the year it is, taxpayers need to stay vigilant to avoid falling prey to tax scams. Below are some tax scams that you may not have heard of, but could affect you.

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kienitz tax audit why hire a tax attorney

Tax Audits: Why Hire a Tax Attorney?

If there’s one thing taxpayers in California hate more than paying taxes, it’s probably responding to a tax audit. And it’s not just the prospect of having to pay additional taxes or penalties that’s the scary part. Instead, it’s providing documents and other information requested by the IRS or the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB). Not only is it a major hassle and inconvenience, but it can be confusing as well. So it’s understandable that anyone subject to a tax audit might wonder if getting outside help is a good idea.

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top 10 tax scams to watch for

2022 Top 10 Tax Scams to Watch Out For!

Scams have probably been around almost as long as taxes have. So it’s safe to say unsavory people have been employing tax scams for a while now. And as the years have gone by, the tax scams have changed, although the overall objective remains the same: steal money. Here are some of the more popular or dangerous tax scams to be aware of during the 2022 tax season.

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kienitz changes to the 1040

2022 Cha-ch-cha Changes to the 1040! How This Impacts You

Form 1040 is the standard IRS form when it comes to filing federal income taxes as an individual. Over the years, Form 1040 has been modified to reflect changes in tax law and IRS practice. In some years, Form 1040 saw more changes than other years. The changes from the 2020 Form 1040 to the 2021 Form 1040 aren’t major, but there are still plenty of updates. Let’s take a look at three of the more notable changes for the upcoming tax filing season.

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